Saturday, June 11, 2011

And the Cold Sets In...

So remember how I said I got a sunburn last week at Rocky Show, well the weather has definitely took a turn for the "worst"!!  By that I mean COLD and rainy!  It started raining here late Friday night and continued to rain all day Saturday; along with the rain came a cold front.  It is now Sunday here in Rockhampton and guess what the weather is like...beautiful, warm, and the sun is out!  I'm starting feel more like I am in Louisiana because of the mood swings the weather is throwing out!

Anyway, the cold weather hasn't stopped Kenrol from conducting business as usual.  Before the rain came, it was time to AI on Thursday.  At 9 p.m. sharp, Wendy, Vicki (a helpx exchange girl from the UK), and myself bundled up and headed to the "top yards" to AI.  Lets just say that I was VERY happy to get back inside the warm house after that was through!

Early Friday, cattle from the north were brought to be dipped for ticks before being sent to the feed yards.  This was a very neat experience for me since I had never seen cattle dipped in a "plunge dipper" before.  Later Friday, another load of cattle were brought in to be dipped as well. Since it started raining while in the process of unloading, we will have to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday to dip them.

I will have better pictures of the dip by Tuesday but here are a few for the time being...


So excited to AI!

Cattle waiting to be dipped

Plunge dip

So, so, so dirty after the dip...Every cow, calf, or bull that passed through the dip managed to sling mud on me while I opened the gates!

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