Friday, June 3, 2011

Kenrol Brahman Stud

My first stop, Kenrol Brhaman Stud home of Ken and Wendy Cole.  After unpacking and I settled in, we took a tour of their 1,000 acre ranch.  After lunch, I was able to help around the ranch.  We pinned and sorted females to be used today for embryo work, sorted and selected which calves would be taken to the sale or kept, and also fed up.  I had a blast, and was able to experience my first Outback sunset!  All in all a great day, and good news is...NO jet lag!  I was able to sleep in today so that helped alot!  Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

My shadow on the four-wheeler or as they call them...bikes.  They use these to round up cattle and to do all of the ranch work necessary, fun times!

Sunset over the paddocks...learning a new word everday :)

Be on the lookout for more photos!


  1. Hey Brooke! I hope you enjoy your visit. I know that mine was one of the greatest in my life. Tell everyone you meet that I said hello. Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself while you are there because you will be back home before you know it. I stayed there three months and when I got on the plane to come home it seemed like I had just arrived. Take care and talk to you soon.
    Chad Steib

  2. Thanks Chad, I will let everyone know you said hello!

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